
Ngaala kaaditj Noongar moort keyen kaadak nidjar boodjar

We acknowledge the Noongar people, and their elders past and present, as the sovereign owners and original custodians of the land on which our parish is located.

We commit ourselves to reconciliation with First Nations people and commit to work for justice and reconciliation.

On Sunday 19 January 2020, we received a Welcome to Country from Bindjareb Bibbulum Elder Uncle Tom Little. Tom welcomed us in language and played the didgeridoo.

On 21 March 2021, when we blessed the Restoration and Site Works at St Cuthbert’s, the liturgy was preceded by a Welcome to Country offered by Nick Abraham, a Whadjuk Nyoongar Elder.

Each year we observe Aboriginal Sunday on the Sunday before January 26, to honour the place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in our church and community.

Uncle Tom Didgeridoo.jpg